How Jackman Sadler Can

Help Your Firm

Jackman Sadler can provide the services you need no matter the size of your case.

Our team of paralegals specializes in discovery and other related tasks so your time and attention can stay focused on other important matters.

Discovery deadlines can seem formidable when your case may have hundreds of thousands of documents and pieces of data. You need an expert team to sift through everything, determine what’s relevant and what isn’t, what may be confidential to your client, and what’s privileged.

Let us help with the repetitive part of discovery and relieve your stress so you can concentrate on more critical aspects.

Case Inception


As soon as a dispute arises, we will work with your staff to organize and collect evidence in preparation for impending discovery. This may include:

  • Client interviews

  • Taking an inventory of the existing evidence

  • Conducting a full ESI audit, including types, sources, locations and custodians of relevant data

  • Identifying the proper method of collection of evidence and data

  • Coordinating vendor services



With a solid foundation laid, we continue working together on the discovery process, including:

  • Reviewing the evidence collected to respond to discovery requests, including identifying privileged and confidential documents

  • Preparing responsive documents for production

  • Drafting written responses to interrogatories, requests for admissions and demands for production

  • Preparing deposition notices and subpoenas, Judicial Council forms and other required legal documents

  • Document management and control of all party productions

  • Maintaining electronic document databases

  • Preparing outlines and assembling exhibits for depositions 

  • Preparing case chronologies

  • Summarizing discovery responses and deposition transcripts

  • Working with expert witnesses to provide access to case materials and prepare their file for production

Trial Preparation


Once the trial date is set, we will continue to support you and your staff, including: 

  • Preparing exhibit lists, exhibit notebooks, and electronic exhibit presentation for trial

  • Preparing notices to appear, trial subpoenas and witness lists

  • Preparing visual aids, blow-ups, demonstratives, and power-point presentations for use at trial 

  • In-court support with a trial laptop to display exhibits during trial, manage witness attendance and continued case support

How Can We Help?

The above is a sample of the paralegal services provided by Jackman Sadler.
We would love to hear about your case and see how we can best help you.

Contact us by phone at (805) 560-7674 or email at
